An old picture. That’s all. Just some faces. Lost forever. Who were they? Why were they together? All those moments and memories are lost. Lost forever. The Gim Hex’s bar is filled with memories, it seems. It has plenty of it. An infinite number. Every corner hides a story. Every space seems to whisper a story, for those who can listen carefully.
Of every things I saw and found in here, this old picture caught my attention. It hooked me somehow. We seems to cross and recross our paths, time after time. Perhaps someday, in the future, my face, along with other unnamed faces of long date friends, will be sticked somewhere, on a rusty wall of some remote station, lost forever in the ‘Verse.
How small we are. Indeed. And yet, this old picture reminds me that, in some way, we all belong to a bigger whole who does not quite completely forget. Maybe our traces will be lost forever but our ghostly images, somewhere, will live almost forever.
No one knows who these people were but everyone stare at them for quite a while. How were their lives? What did they do to live or strive? It’s just an old picture. That’s all. Just some faces. Lost forever. Who were they? Why were they together? Where did they go? What was their story?
No one will ever answer those questions. Because all those moments and memories are lost.
Lost forever.